“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.



A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and shake you awake.”

He smacked a bottle of red wine on the bar and said, “Tell me everything about yourself. Your best, your worst. All your skeletons. Then, I’ll do the same. “

That was our first date & my life would never be the same after that.

Before I met Trevor, I thought ‘love’ was solely a choice. (And while, yes, I know that love, in marriage, is a deep commitment to one another, a choice, dedication to never give up on a person, to choose to stay, even when you don’t feel like it.) I also, now, believe that it is possible to have a connection with someone that is unexplainable. 

Trevor completely changed my life. In some ways…a lot of ways, I feel like he saved it too…Not in the dramatic way you’re probably thinking…But in the way that only you know your soul can be rescued. From a life you were headed for but didn’t know how to stop yourself from going…
A lot of people will never understand that. They’ll speculate, judge, roll their eyes and just not get it. And thats okay, I get us.

You don’t have to prove your relationship to anyone but yourself and each other.
Not social media, not strangers or spectators, not your family and not your friends.

I think love, as a definition, can be different for every person. You don’t have to believe in soul mates to have something special. Every couples story is different and beautiful in its own way. If it’s right, the pieces will and certainly do fall into place.  This is my love story…(it’s also my favorite.) But I never get sick of hearing other peoples…it reminds me of the imagination of the world, all the glorious perspective of different individuals. I love it + I love my job.  

So, do you believe in soul mates? Whats you perspective on love?

Here’s a few shots from our latest adventure—

…and Trev,
I’m happy to share my adventures, wins, losses, sick days, best days, worst days, everyday of my whole life, with you.

like crazy, forever.


 *Click on images to enlarge.* 

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